Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Humour Index -


The Rules

Toddler Property Laws

A frog goes into a bank

A missionary comes home

Performance evaluations

A New Element

What Was Jesus?

A Pome About A Spell Checker

Find those weapons of mass destruction!

Haiku Error Messages

Thoughts to Ponder

Court Reports

Ways To Hunt Elephants

Test Your Thinking

How to Use a Barometer

Vital Information For Men

That Light Bulb Again


Interpreting Women

It was a dark and stormy night

The Husband Store

Some Questions


Talmudic Instruction

Words of Wisdom

Chocolate Knowledge

English is a crazy language

A Letter from the Inland Revenue

A Mother's Dictionary

Men and Women: A Comparison

Gender Roles

Ten Puns

Do You Have AAADD?

Alien Song (mpg format video clip)

Male and Female Attitudes to Romance

The Way Children See Things

Understanding Engineers

Technical Support

One Liners


Is Hell Exothermic?

An Edinburgh Hospital

A Room With A View?

A bear, a lion and a chicken

Aeroplane Announcements

Shopping for a Spouse


Dog's Diary, Cat's Diary

The Story of Sammy the Swallow


Military Wisdom

Irish Medical Dictionary

The Lost Thimble


Inner Peace for the New Year

Dear Abby

Teaching Children the Bible

Church Smiles

The Failing Telephone

Selling Life Assurance

Some Moral Tales

Visit to a Fortune Teller

The Joys of Teaching

Five Tips

Things I've Learned

Ten reasons why I never wash

Heard at Zurich Airport

Visitors from the Future

From a Fox News Segment, A.D. 31

The Story of an Ant

A guy is sitting at the bar


Psychiatric Helpline

Before a Parachute Jump

An Exercise to Build Up Strength

A Software Engineer Goes Shopping

The Church and the Brothel

A Week in the Life of a Mathematician

Home Page



Family News

Family History



Paul's Health

Sue's Health


External link - MAD (Bristol) MAD (Bristol)

External link - BCAN Homeless Forum BCAN Homeless Forum

External link - Bristol:networks Bristol:networks

External link - Bristol Anabaptists Bristol Anabaptists



Strong Foundations

Solid Ground


Interactive Gospel

Christian Articles

General Articles

Other People

Other Places



Web Site

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Copyright © 2000-2011 Paul Hazelden was last updated 12 May 2011
You are welcome to print this page for your personal use or create a link to it, but if you would like to use any part of this page in any other way, please read the standard terms and then contact me.

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