Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Links -


I don't promise that all the links to other sites you will find elsewhere on the site will be repeated here, but there are certainly some links here which are not found anywhere else on this site. As always, if you would like to suggest any additions, or find any links which no longer work, please let me know. Many thanks.

•   Christian Links
•   Political Links
•   Genealogy Links
•   Useful Links
•   Personal Links
•   Computer Links

Christian Links

Access Research Network.  GOOD quality news and articles about science and religion. It's not often I can say that! Provides a particular focus on the topic of Intelligent Design.

Ain Zhalta.  The Lebanese Evangelical School, Ain Zhalta is run by a couple of missionaries from Highgrove, our church.

Apologetics Press.  Apologetics Press is a non-profit work dedicated to the defense of New Testament Christianity.

Audio Bible Club.  They supply free daily Bible reading notes on cassette.

Barnabas Fund.  This organisation "works in partnership with national church leaders and mission agencies, channeling gifts for the suffering church through them." Also useful and important information about Christians suffering for their faith in various places.

Bible Gateway.   Look up Bible passages in different languages and translations.

Biblical Patterns of Evangelism.   The long-awaited book by Korky Davey.

Biologos Forum.   Science and faith in dialogue.

Blue Letter.   Links to Bible study aids.

Bristol EA.   The Bristol Evangelical Alliance 'media internet news group' site.

Christian Herald.   The newspaper.

Christ For All Nations.   The ministry of Reinhard Bonnke.

Christian Television Association.   When we visited Pete Hodge (OAC Cardiff), I stayed with one of the trustees, who introduced me to their work.

Europe Now.  Part of Open Air Campaigners, training people to work as evangelists in Europe.

Evangelism Explosion.  The best training in personal evangelism available anywhere in the world!

Fellowship Finders.  Fellowship Finders is a free service that helps Christians moving into a new area within the United Kingdom and Ireland to get involved in a church or fellowship by introducing them to a local Christian.

George Verwer.  An excellent collection of articles by and news about Uncle George and his ministry. For anyone who doesn't know, George Verwer is the founder of Operation Mobilisation.

Goshen.  Bible Study tools.

Highgrove.  Our church in Bristol.

Jesus in the City.  An important congress that happened in Leeds in September 2001, and Glasgow in June 2004. I presented a paper to the Glasgow congress. The 2007 congress will be in Bristol.

Hope Now.  Vic Jackopson's organisation. Vic was running the UK part of Evangelism Explosion when Sue and I first started to use it - and a tremendous job he did, too.

Korky Davey.  Contains the text of Korky's two books: Biblical Patterns of Evangelism and Jesus - Faith and Fact.

Pioneeer.  One of the groups of new churches, now based at Waverley Abbey.   We had quite a lot of links with Pioneer in the mid- to late-seventies.

Postmission.  A network of people committed to Christian mission but who want to escape from the tired missionary models of the Modern era.

Reachout Trust.  Reachout Trust is an international Christian ministry that upholds biblical truth and builds bridges to those in the cults, occult, new age and new religious movements.

Revival Fires.  A group in Dudley we visited in the Spring of 2002.

Ship of Fools.  We subscribed to the magazine just before it ceased publication, and were delighted to find it resurrected on the web.

Street Credo.  "If you are interested in finding ways of sharing the Christian faith that make sense in the 21st Century, you have come to the right place."

Spirit of '88.   Our late, dear friend Joan Knevett used to subscribe to their newsletter.   It promotes a very 'straight' evangelical line - everything is very black and white.   However, this is combined in an interesting mixture with an English nationalism which celebrates our glorious past when we held firm to the Bible. The link no longer seems to work, but for reference it used to be found at

True Life.  Stories of how God has changed peoples' lives.

Web Evangelism.   It's interesting to compare other people's ideas about how to use the Internet to communicate the gospel with my 'Interactive Gospel' approach.

Westborough URC.   Our former home church in Guildford.

Woodlands.   The group of churches that Highgrove belongs to.

Political Links

Bristol West Liberal Democrats.  The local constituency organisation.

Centre for Reform.  A public policy think tank for people who share the values of the Liberal Democrats, but open to anyone who wishes to debate social, political and economic reform.

Liberal Democrats.  The party site.

Social Economy Bristol.  What it says!

Trade Justice Movement.  Campaigning for justice in world trade.

Genealogy Links

Didian.  Genealogical research online.   Mainly oriented to the American market, but plenty of useful information anyway.

Office for National Statistics.  The obvious starting point for people in the UK.

Useful Links

PISO.  Process Improvement for Strategic Objectives. An easier and far better way of doing BPR.

Royal Mail.  Contains a post code finder for any address in the UK, and an address finder for any post code.

Snopes.  Check out the truth of urban legends.

Positive News.  The best way to stay informed, inspired and to help create a more positive media.

Personal Links

British Go Association.   The main site for go in this country.

the eXchange.   Paul's previous employer, supplying insurance services across the Internet.

GoBase.   Jan van der Steen's site about go.

NRCD.   The National Resource Centre for Dance, based at the University of Surrey, where Sue used to work.

Paul Cockburn.   At long last, some of Paul's wit and wisdom have been made available on the Net.

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School.   Where Philip and Ian go to school.

Roger Hazelden.   His personal web site, with a number of interesting links.

Sauna culture.   Also sauna etiquette.

Sauna ethics.   How use of the sauna fits in with our Christian beliefs.

Steve Bailey.   The local go club in Guildford.

Computer Links

HTML Jalfrezi.   One of the earliest HTML reference sites I found, and still one I use.

Microsoft Word 2000 HTML Mess Cleaner.   It does what it says on the tin.

Obfuscate Email.   An excellent way to hide your real email address from spammers while displaying it on a web site.

PDF Online.   A free converter from lots of formats to PDF, both online and downloadable.

Whats My IP.   An wide variety of useful tools.

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External link - BCAN Homeless Forum BCAN Homeless Forum

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