Paul & Sue Hazelden
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There are various ways to get in touch with us:

  Guest Book

If you would like to say something that other visitors to this web site might be interested in, please feel free to write in the guest book.

If you have a question, it may be a good idea to contact us by email or web form as well to let us know you have posted the question in the guest book.


If you are driving to us, you may find it helpful to External Link - Multimap view a map showing the general area where we live. If you don't know your way round Bristol, send us an email and we will send you directions for driving.


Like many people, we have had several email addresses that are now no longer functional. The current email addresses to use are given below.

If you do not have a mail client configured, you can still send us a message using the form on our contact form page. But, if you can, using your email client is by far the better way.

Please select the appropriate 'mailto' link from the table below.

Who Where Address
Paul Home Paul at home
Sue Home Sue at home
Paul Work Paul at work

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External link - MAD (Bristol) MAD (Bristol)

External link - BCAN Homeless Forum BCAN Homeless Forum

External link - Bristol:networks Bristol:networks

External link - Bristol Anabaptists Bristol Anabaptists



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Copyright © 2000-2007 Paul Hazelden was last updated 25 December 2007
You are welcome to print this page for your personal use or create a link to it, but if you would like to use any part of this page in any other way, please read the standard terms and then contact me.

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