The Real Moral Issue
by Paul Hazelden

The Real Moral Issue:
Index | Cold Climate | Imposing Beliefs | Living As Christians
A Kind of Fasting | Standing Up For What We Believe | Squeamish Translating


Some years ago, I was asked by a friend to do an article about the moral issues relating to naturism. After some thought, I produced the piece about 'Naturism in a Cold Climate'. This was subsequently published in 'BN', the quarterly journal of British Naturism, and has been copied on several web sites.

The article is slightly tongue-in-cheek, and produced a number of responses. Many people said they live in warm places, so it is not a problem for them. A few claimed that they do not heat their houses any more since they stopped wearing clothes at home. Several people explained that you feel warmer if you are completely naked than you do if you if you are wearing just a few clothes. It was an interesting exercise.

The first article looked at the morality of being naked at home. The second, 'Imposing Our Beliefs', looks at the morality of being naked in public. Much to my surprise, my current understanding is that there is a real moral question mark about the ethics of being naked all the time in your own home if you live in a cold climate, but no moral question about being naked in public. Please, have a read of the articles and let me know if you agree with them.

The third article, Living As Christians, looks more at the underlying questions concerning how our beliefs and actions tie together, and is explicitly written from a Christian perspective.

Number four, A Kind of Fasting, explores the question: if all this is true, how should this truth affect the way we live?

Number five, Standing Up For What We Believe, addresses the social aspects and how we work to change society for the better.

Number six, Squeamish Translating (written by Matthew Neal), looks at the way modern translators of the Bible avoid correctly translating passages which refer to ordinary nudity.


The only other thing I would like to say about the moral issues discussed in these articles is this: I don't think the issues are, in the bigger scheme of things, very important. How much people choose to wear or to not wear, and in what circumstances, is pretty far down the list of moral issues we face.

Third world debt and fair trade matter; global warming and biodiversity matter; starving refugees and ethnic cleansing matter; abortion and euthanasia matter; forced marriages and female circumcision matter; the unsustainable growth and consumption of Western countries matters; the breakdown of family life and moral codes in those same Western countries matters; I could go on.

Justice and righteousness matter. Love matters. What you wear is a moral issue, but let's keep it in perspective.

The Articles

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The Real Moral Issue:
Index | Cold Climate | Imposing Beliefs | Living As Christians
A Kind of Fasting | Standing Up For What We Believe | Squeamish Translating

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