Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Index to the General Revelation Series -

This index is a way of keeping track of the articles and notes I have produced which are not part of the 'Pastoral Theology' series.   It is called 'General Revelation' in the belief that "all truth is God's truth" and hence all truth which is not explicitly Christian is part of God's general revelation to mankind.

Ref Title Date
GR001 Total Effect Analysis 1989
When dealing with complex systems, it is too easy to make plans which cannot achieve what we intend, because we only focus on part of the picture.
GR002 Dealing With Complex Systems 13/02/96
A more general description of complex systems.   Not complete.
GR003 Reality Therapy 1993
Offering a framework for helping people solve personal problems without coping out or taking over their lives.
GR004 Multi-Vendor Software Development 1997
This document addresses some common problems experienced in the development of large or complicated software products.   Almost by definition, any product which includes software from more than one vendor is going to be complicated.
GR005 In Praise of the Cliché 1993
I stand up for the important role that clichés play in our language.   A response to criticism of their use I heard on the radio.
GR006 The Information Revolution 1993
Thinking about how computers and automated systems could be used to improve society, instead of simply speeding up the daft ways we do things.
GR007 Software Failures 01/06/94
Many problems we face when developing computer systems are called 'software failures', but are in reality very little to do with problems in the software.
GR008 Defending the Spec 01/06/1994
A response to the suggestion that program specifications are no longer required.
GR009 Using Information in Society 1993
A wide group of related thoughts around the theme, with several significant appendices I intend to turn into articles at some point.
GR010 When What I Want is not What They Do 1993
This started in a letter to a friend, for whom the issue of how you cope when people don't do what you want was a major concern at the time.
GR015 Politics 30/12/2000
This paper contains a summary of some of the political positions and arguments I have supported over the years.
GR016 Comments 28/10/2001
Some brief comments on the news and currrent issues.
GR017 Cannabis 29/11/2001
I was asked to write a short piece on cannabis for the Bristol Evangelical Alliance web site.   I don't yet know if they will publish it, but it's a shame to waste such effort.
GR020 A Euro Strategy 10/06/2003
A suggested way out of the mess the Euro debate is currently stuck in.
GR021 Leading By Numbers 29/10/2003
In my childhood, they used to sell 'Painting by Numbers' kits...
GR022 Handling Diversity 04/12/2004
How should a society handle diversity? It's a difficult question - possibly one of the most difficult we need to face - but a vital one. Version 1 was written 4 April 2004.
GR022 Engaging the Voluntary Sector 03/03/2008
There is a significant emphasis these days on getting the Voluntary Sector more fully integrated into the mainstream. The government presents it as a way of recognising the contribution made by the Voluntary Sector, and the importance of the work they do. The Voluntary Sector often sees it as a way for the Government to get work done more cheaply.
GR033 Chess and Go 06/03/2008
People keep making comparisons between Chess and Go, but the more I play, the more I am convinced that the two games are fundamentally different. This is a simple statement of some of those differences.

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