Chess and Go
by Paul Hazelden


People keep making comparisons between Chess and Go, but the more I play, the more I am convinced that the two games are fundamentally different. This is a simple statement of some of those differences.

Please note that some of the points made below are technically untrue, either all or some of the time. For example, inplaying a handicap game, you start off with a few pieces on the board. But the board is nearly empty, and the point I am making is true in essence.


  1. In chess, you begin with all the pieces on the board; in go, you begin with no pieces on the board.
  2. In chess, pieces are removed; in go, pieces are added.
  3. In chess, pieces move; in go, pieces stay where they are first placed.
  4. In chess, you aim to capture; in go, you aim to share.
  5. In chess, the game is finished when you defeat your opponent; in go, the game is finished when it is complete.
  6. In chess, there are many types of piece with different values and capabilities; in go, every piece is the same, distinguished only by the player who placed it on the board.

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