The Usual Way
by Paul Hazelden

Discipleship: Index
Introduction   |   The Usual Way   |   A Proposal   |   Some Principles


I believe that discipleship is the key challenge facing the Western church today. The problems of pastoral care and evangelism are both real, but will be largely solved if the current members of the Body of Christ grow and learn how to put their faith into action as God intends.

Over the years, I have participated in numerous discipleship courses and programmes. They have all been primarily academic with a focus on doctrine, and they have all been almost entirely unsuccessful.

The sad fact is that we generally put very little time and energy into discipleship; and, when we do, it generally has very little impact.

The Usual Approach to Discipleship

Discipleship is critical, but it seems that few churches do it well. I hope that this description of the traditional approach to discipleship will not be taken unkindly or dismissed as a parody.

Opportunities for Service

Most churches provide some opportunities for service, but not enough - and not the right kind of opportunities.

However accurate this description may be, the consistent message I hear is that the current process of discipleship does not work well for most people in most churches.

There, however, a better way.

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http://hazelden.org.uk/discipleship/d002_tradition.htm was last updated 17 August 2014
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