What is the Fate of the Wicked?
by Paul Hazelden

Is Hell a place where demons stick pitchforks into writhing bodies? Is it a place where the unsaved suffer eternally, while the saved look on and enjoy watching their pain? These have both been popular ideas about Hell, taught and believed by many Christians. What do people today believe about the fate of the wicked, and what should we believe?

The full article is available here in one file, to view offline or print:

It is also available here, divided into smaller chunks for easier downloading:

  1. Introduction, Background and Two Key Texts
  2. OT Evidence for Destruction
  3. NT Evidence for Destruction
  4. The Evidence for Eternal Torment
  5. Objections and Conclusion

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Copyright © 2001 Paul Hazelden
http://hazelden.org.uk/pt03/art_pt121_fate_of_wicked.htm was last updated 5 November 2014
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