Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Web Site -

Highlights of the Site

The two main areas of the site are the 'Interactive Gospel' and the collections of articles on numerous subjects.

Apart from these areas, there is some general information about us as a family, and more personal items which are primarily of interest to friends both old and new.

Page Layout

There used to be two types of page on this web site. The 'normal' pages all looked like this one: a navigation bar on the left, contents on the right, and links to the main pages at the bottom, followed by a link to the hit counter.

The other pages, most of which contained articles, were missing the navigation bar on the left.

I completed the work of converting the normal pages in June 2005, so every page with a navigation bar on the left should look like this one. If you see any pages with an older navigation bar, please let me know!

I am also converting the article pages to the same format, as there is now a link at the bottom of each page to display the page in a format suitable for printing, without the navigation bar. Completing this conversion will probably take some time.


Browser Friendly Logo The HTML on this site is mainly hand-written, although (on a few pages) some of the content has been imported from a word processing package. I have attempted to ensure the code works on all available browsers. If you spot something that does not display acceptably, please let me know. Thank you.

The main text editor I used to write the HTML was External Link - PFE PFE (the "Programmer's File Editor") - an excellent utility, sadly no longer being developed.

For the first few years, once the text was written, the pages were assembled using a Perl script which Mark Howe kindly produced for me. But my web host has now implemented PHP, and this is how the new and updated pages are assembled. We are in the middle of converting all the existing files to use PHP.

The next version of Ubuntu is coming 
      soon For several years, we have been using External link - Ubuntu Ubuntu rather than Windows as our operating system of choice. It's free, it does everything we need it to do, it doesn't crash the way Windows did, and it is much more secure than Windows - far less likely to get infected with a virus or hijacked by a spammer.



Copyright © 2000-2010 Paul Hazelden was last updated 24 September 2010
You are welcome to print this page for your personal use or create a link to it, but if you would like to use any part of this page in any other way, please read the standard terms and then contact me.

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