A Proposal
by Paul Hazelden

Discipleship: Index
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The traditional academic and doctrinal approach to discipleship used by most churches today has not produced a significant number of mature and effective followers of Christ.

It seems clear that something different is needed. However, I do not want to fall into the old fallacy: something must be done; this is something; therefore this must be done.

Something different is needed, and I think that what I offer here is an improvement over what we have at present. What I want to know is: can you improve it further? Or can you suggest something else which might work better?

Another approach

There is an alternative to the traditional approach, an alternative which has been changing the lives of (previously) ordinary church members. It involves taking them on a journey of discovery; a journey which (oddly enough) can be described in twelve steps.



Copyright © 2014 Paul Hazelden
http://hazelden.org.uk/discipleship/d003_proposal.htm was last updated 7 August 2014
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