Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Pastoral Theology -
Index to Articles 150-199

Ref Title Date
PT150 Pragmatic Leadership 13/04/02
I don't believe you can sustain a healthy church without a healthy leadership.   There are a lot of books about leadership: how to be a great leader, how to be a church leader, and all the rest.   They contain a lot of very important material.   But in all the detail, it is easy to miss some simple and obvious points.
PT152 Sex and Violence 17/05/02
Looking at what we communicate to the world about Christian morality by what we watch and what we complain about on TV and film.
PT153 An Eternal Covenant 03/10/02
Answering a question which suggests the paedobaptists must be right because God can't change His mind.
PT154 Ezekiel 37: Dry Bones 08/06/02
By Sue. What does God want to do with you, here and now?
PT155 The Right to be Happy 02/01/08
People think of happiness as something they have a right to, and as something they should aim for. But when you come to consider the question, it becomes clear that neither of these ideas is true.
PT156 From One Man (Acts 17:26) 20/06/02
Asked to say something about how we can respond to people begging on the street, I approached this in the light of something Paul said in his sermon in Acts 17.
PT157 Daniel's Prayer (Daniel 9) 30/06/02
Working backwards through the chapter, from the obscure to the straightforward, then asking why the people of Israel had been sent into captivity in the first place - is there a lesson for us?
PT158 A Conversation about Baptism 30/10/02
A few years ago, I posted an article about the Biblical basis of baptism on this site. In May 2002, I received a response to it which prompted another article on the subject of 'an eternal covenant.' I then replied directly in an email, and the conversation which followed is contained in Questions and Answers Concerning Baptism
PT159 Questions and Answers Concerning Baptism 30/10/02
These are the questions and answers referred to in the previous article.
PT161 What Do We Have To Give? (Acts 3:6) 04/05/03
Two sermons in one - the subject and the passage.
PT162 More Questions and Answers Concerning Baptism 21/05/03
Further discussion.
PT163 Churches Together in Sea Mills 03/07/03
This is a personal statement about the nature of unity and how it is worked out among the Churches in Sea Mills. Also some thoughts about the united prayer group, and its role in promoting unity.
PT164 How Do We Do Theology? 28/08/03
An alternative to the theological 'methodologies' described in the introduction to the course at Spurgeon's.
PT165 Ministry to Homeless People 03/11/03
Assignment 1 for the first module of my course at Spurgeon's
PT166 Theology of Mission 09/12/03
Assignment 2 for the first module of my course at Spurgeon's
PT167 Who Stays with the Stuff? 28/12/03
1 Samuel 30:24, plus the surrounding chapters. It was a bit longer than I intended, but I was rather struggling with the scope - what to say and what to leave out. The 'basic truths' bit seemed rather artificial - 'plucked out of thin air' - without the background, and I just didn't know how much background to assume. So I'm really glad it worked in the end.
PT168 Hope 10/01/04
This was given to the Saturday evening meeting at Pip'n'Jay. I thought it was the young peoples' group, but there were plenty of older people. I had originally prepared something based around the idea of service, using examples from the Crisis Centre, but on the Thursday before the meeting they gave me this title...
PT169 Meet Your Neighbour (Luke 10:25-37) 11/01/04
This is something I rarely attempt: to combine aspects of a traditional sermon with information about what we do at the Crisis Centre, and why. This is the sermon reported on by the Bristol Evening Post (8/10) so it seems to have worked for some people.
PT170 CCM Project Review 01/02/04
Assignment 3 for the first module of my course at Spurgeon's
PT171 A Practice Sermon (Ephesians 3:14-21) 07/02/04
The sermon I prepared and delivered at Spurgeon's college during the preaching module study week in February 2004.
PT172 Peter's Confession (Mark 8:27-38) 14/09/03
A short sermon for St Lukes, Brislington, given to the morning congregation on 14 September 2003. A meditation on Peter's confession, and what it means to follow Jesus.
PT173 I Believe the Bible 29/02/04
Evangelicals tend to adopt an unthinking view of scripture, which causes many problems - especially to people who fail to understand us and how we use the Bible.
PT174 Getting Our Priorities Right 06/04/04
Because of the resurrection, people matter more than things
PT175 Questions About Forgiveness 07/05/04

This article consists of some questions I prepared for the Spurgeon's Study Group meeting 29 April 2004 on the theme of 'Forgiveness', followed by some thoughts prepared for a sermon the following Sunday - the 'Reflections on Forgiveness'.

PT188 Day by day like us He grew 01/01/06

Some thoughts sparked by the carol.



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