Evangelistic Services
by Paul Hazelden


      There are a lot of arguments about the 'right' way to conduct an evangelistc church service, how often to hold them, who to invite, and so on.

      There is no single approach which is right for all churches on all occasions.   But there are some mistakes which are best avoided, and some approaches are more suitable for some churches than others, and on some occasions rather than others.   I would like to describe the main options, their strengths and their weaknesses, so you can decide what is best for you.

      One basic question is: what is an appropriate service for the people you wish to reach?


  1. Spontaneous
    1. Otherwise known as 'un-planned' services.   Many charismatic churches adopt this approach.

      The point is not that individual services are unplanned (although they may well be 'planned' at the last minute - leaving the Holy Spirit room to inspire the people involved...) but that there is no strategy for evangelism in the church services.


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  2. Seeker-Sensitive Services
    1. This approach has the advantage of clarity.   We know what we are here for, even if it bears little relation to 'church' as we used to know it.


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    4. Another Sub head
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This page last updated 1 January 2001.

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